Daniel Flynn - The Surfboard Agency

When did you get your first surfboard?
I started stand up surfing late....I would have been around 15 when I actually bought my 1st board...before then I used to steal my mate Grant McCullaghs.

What do you love about surfing?
The Ocean, the feeling, the places it has taken me, the industry, the people I've met through it.

How many surfboards to you have in your garage?
At the moment 9

What is your go to board?

What sort of education have you had?
High School, Certificate in Business Administration 

What was your very first job?
Queensland Police Force 

What is your current job and what does it entail?
I'm the Owner / Partner in a company called The Surfboard Agency. There's 3 owners / partners and I take care of sales both domestically & internationally. 

How did you get into the position you are today?
I was fortunate to have been hired 15 years ago by my current partner Lachlan Kekwick who at the time was the CEO of Surf Hardware International. I remember him saying: "I'll give you 3 months and see how you go"....the rest is history 

What do you like most about your job?
The freedom, finding & following up on opportunities, and also the fear. 

What are your tips for loving your job?
Do something you're passionate about

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Relaxing and surfing with my family

Where can we find you online?

Web: surfboardagency.com
Facebook:  facebook.com/pages/The-Surfboard-Agency
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/the-surfboard-agency


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Posted by: Matthew Ryan, on February 26, 2014
Categories: Interviews