Dylan Heyden - The Inertia Associate Editor

Dylan Heyden had very clear that he was going to work in the surf industry. Started at Quiksilver in California, and currently writes for The Inertia as associate editor. Young, creative, and extremely passionate about social justice and human rights.

When did you start surfing?

I started in elementary school. I think I was about 10 or 11.

What was your first surfboard?

It was a Rusty. Not sure what model, but kind of big actually. Like a 6’4" hybrid. Hard to turn. Lots of volume.

What is that you love about surfing and the ocean?

I love surfing because it’s an opportunity – for a few hours each day – to commune with nature and appreciate God’s creation. It’s amazing to see fishes, seals, and other animals out in the water. And beyond that surfing is just fun!

What are your studies?

I studied international relations and Spanish at the University of San Diego. From there, I took a year off, then decided to go for my master’s degree in international relations at NYU, a program which I graduated from in May.

What is your current job position and how did you get there?

I work as an associate editor at The Inertia. Basically I write articles for the site, and edit the work of contributors.

What does your daily schedule look like?

My schedule really varies from day to day. For the most part, I research potential stories, sometimes that means doing in-person interviews or interviews over the phone. I also attend different events in the surf space in order to cover them for the site.

Do you choose what to write about at the Inertia?

Yep. Everyone tends to come up with their own ideas, but occasionally things are assigned. But for the most part it’s all pretty self-driven.

You are covering the US Open at the moment. What is your work at the event? What is The Inertia covering? 

We've done quite a few stories about the US Open in the past. It's a good opportunity to interview athletes for other features too. This year we're pretty excited about Facebook Live. It's cool to give our audience the ability to engage and ask questions, so we're hoping to do a few interviews over the course of the week.

Have you worked in a job in the surf industry before?

Yah. I worked as sales associate at Quiksilver, for a bit in San Diego, and also at what they call the Campus Store at Quiksilver HQ in Huntington Beach, California.

What is that you like the most about your job?

I love the creative energy at The Inertia. It’s so validating to bounce ideas off of everyone in the office, get feedback, and come up with something awesome. It really becomes a team effort in some ways. And everyone else is doing really cool stuff too, so it drives you to come up with equally good ideas.

Where would you like to see yourself in a few years in terms of professional career?

This is really my first formal job in writing/editorial/media, and I’m loving it. I have a penchant for great writing – whether it’s news, opinion pieces, other non-fiction, or literature. I’d love to continue to grow my writing/editing skills.

Where can we find you online?

Linkedin linkedin.com/in/dylanheyden

Posted by: Marta Gallardo, on July 26, 2016
Categories: Interviews