Mark Richards

When did you start surfing?
Started at age 5 on a rubber Surf-O-Plane Both my parents surfed so that was my introduction.

What do you love about surfing?
The freedom and feeling of being in the water and the thrill of catching and riding waves...there is nothing else like it!!

How did you get into shaping?
In my teenage years I stayed with Geoff McCoy ...I would hang around his surfboard factory in school holidays and whenever there was good waves the boys would put down their tools and go surfing. This seemed like a great lifestyle and I enjoyed being creative so it appealed to me.

Do you remember the first board you shaped?
I got my 1st planer when I was about 12 years old and I shaped a 3’ long mini-board from a nose and tail offcut that I glued together.

What is your go to board at the moment?
A 6’2” by 20” wide MR Super Twin ( twin fin set-up with a small stabiliser in the tail)

What is your most treasured surfing memory/ experience?
The opportunities that have arisen to travel the world, surf amazing waves and meet great people.

Are there any particular shapers or surfers that you're taking notice of these days?
No not really...I try just to be myself.

What does the future hold for Mark Richards?
Still shaping, surfing and enjoying life with my family.

What are you most thankful for?
The fact that I was born into a family that surfs, which has enabled me to have a career / lifestyle that I may not otherwise have had.

Where can we find you online?

Instagram: @markrichardssurfboards


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Posted by: Matthew Ryan, on September 30, 2013
Categories: Interviews