The Top 5 Surfing Crowdfunding Campaigns Right Now

So you're a budding entrepreneur with surfing's next big thing locked away in the confines of your brain. There's no denying that the surfing world is an endless stream of new ideas and innovations, some of which have made their creators very wealthy. But how do you go about getting your idea out in the line-up and your hands on those salty dollars? In order to avoid selling yourself to banks, investors, parents etc, crowdfunding was born. Now, not only can your wildest dreams be realised, but they can be totally funded by others out there who believe in your cause. We're not saying that you can just jump in with a couple of poorly drawn napkin diagrams and logos and kick back as the money piles up, you still need a good idea, or at least some good rewards for those willing to invest. Anyway, here are 5 of our favourite pieces of surfing-based entrepreneurial brilliance from a range of crowdfunding sites right now!

1. PROJECT: NIAS - Point of Change (surfing documentary)
BY: Rebecca Coley
PROGRESS: £13,225 from  £20,000


2. PROJECT: Salt Pack
BY:Trey and Gabriela Bourette
PROGRESS: $4,180 from $6000


3. PROJECT: AIR Surf Rack
BY:Nathaniel Kovari
PROGRESS: $670 of $20,000


4. PROJECT: GoKnuckles for your GoPro® HERO camera
BY: GoWorx
PROGRESS: $6,224 of $4,500!


And now our favourite....

5. PROJECT: SURFING, 'AIRWAVE' inflatable eco- friendly surf reef.
BY: Troy Bottegal
PROGRESS: $1,180 of $100,000


Posted by: Matthew Ryan, on October 15, 2014
Categories: Articles, Videos