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400 - 700 CLP
Per Month
MarketingLast Modified: November 26, 2015
Surfing passionate, i have traveled a lot across surfing Chile, Costa Rica, Panamá, Nicaragua and Brazil. I have been working in a surf hostel in Nicaragua (yajure surf hostel) and in 2012 i was in charge of organizing, producing and getting sponsors for a surfing tournament. Also, I worked for a business intelligence company in Chile, specifically on the sales department. My interests are surfing, ecology, and actually im finishing a master in marketing at Adolfo Ibañez university, Chile.
1,200 - 5,000 USD
Per Week
bussines developer / Account manager / Marketing Last Modified: November 1, 2014
Bachelor in Business and Administration entitled 2005 from Finis Terrae University, majoring in Strategic Planning, with 6 years of experience in account management, marketing and business development. Creative, flexible, team player, self – motivated, sharp, relationship builder & Teck enthusiast. My strengths are, excellent interpersonal skills, public speaking, consulting, S.M.A.R.T planning and analytical approaches. Fields of interest are, technology, digital advertising and tourism.
200 - 500 USD
Per Week
Instructor of Surfing Last Modified: January 22, 2014
-10 years surfing - surf instructor for 4 years approximately ( beginners to advance ) - 2 years employee at surf store working with billabong , quicksilver , dakine , element , etc .( ) - knowledge aid certificate - surf travels in differents countries such as : most of chile spots , Peru , Argentina , and Australia - English speaker certificate in Australia at English language college Sydney and native Spanish - an adventure spirit and skills enjoyable with peop
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