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20,000 - 100,000 USD
Per Hour
Marketing/Customer Service/ Tour guideLast Modified: January 22, 2014
I am 25 years old and currently working towards a Multimedia Communications degree at the Community College of Vermont. My objective is to become a website designer, visual marketing specialist, or anything in the surf industry. I consider myself a well versed surfer, with a vast knowledge of the ocean and a love for the environment. Past jobs include Hospitality/Tourism related jobs, Food industry Jobs, Rental services,Tour guiding, Retail, and Heavy equipment operator/laborer.
35 - 60 AUD
Per Hour
Graphic DesignerLast Modified: January 22, 2014
3 years of experience working with surfwear company developing the men's products, accessories,Catalogue, Packaging, POS, Global market research and direct liaising with suppliers and sellers. I have great adobe cs6 skills also, Rhinoceros, 3D max, HTML, CSS and PHP. I have been working in both digital and print design.
800 - 1,000 AUD
Per Week
Administration AssistantLast Modified: January 22, 2014
I've succesfully completed Cert III and Cert IV in Business Administration. I've no experience in the surf industry, however have enjoyed the sport itself and the culture surrounding it since my early teenage years. I'm also a musician and have provided brief snippets of music for Bondi Rescue.
500 - 1,000 USD
Per Week
Writing/Editorial/Operations/PRLast Modified: January 22, 2014
I have an undergraduate degree in multimedia journalism and several years experience in marketing/advertising. I am proficient in conversational Spanish and ran a surf camp/surf school in Costa Rica for a year and a half. Prior to the surf camp I volunteered teaching a class to local women in CR as well. Most recently I taught surf lessons and surf camp in the Outer Banks of NC during summer 2013. I'm passionate about the condition of the earth's water and about women's role in local communities
120 - 150 AUD
Per Hour
Strategic CommunicationsLast Modified: January 19, 2014
I have 14 years of professional working experience - across multiple disciplines and industry sectors. My specialisation is corporate communications, which includes web and intranet content, social media channels, and interviews and copy writing for printed publications. I also have experience in learning and development, community engagement, CSR and diversity programs.
40,000 - 250,000 AUD
Per Week
Professional writing, communications, marketing, eventsLast Modified: January 17, 2014
I grew up surfing the coast between Ballina and Brunswick Heads in NSW, and shape boards in my shed in my shed at night.After 12 years as a chef I embarked on a new career path that has seen me steadily building experience and expertise over the past seven years in a variety of areas; mainly professional writing, event management and stakeholder engagement. I am looking for a career opportunity that will satisfy my salt water addiction and also allow me to spend more time with my young family.
30,000 - 50,000 USD
Per Annum
SALES/ MARKETINGLast Modified: January 6, 2014
I have an extensive background in fashion and swimwear. I have grown up by the beach and love surfing and the culture that surrounds it. I excel in social media and marketing and providing over the top customer service. My latest job was social media/customer service rep for Bettinis Bikinis. It was an amazing experience and I was so dedicated to it that soon enough we had 5000 followers instead of 400 on instagram and facebook. I also did the PR and landed in SI swimsuit edition for 2014.
18 - 35 GBP
Per Hour
Copywriter, feature writer, editor, proofreader, PRLast Modified: October 4, 2013
Freelance copywriter with over 10 years of commercial experience. Specialisms include: Journalism, copywriting (B2B & B2C), content creation, blog posts, copy-editing, proofreading, features, travel writing, website copy generation/rewrites, marketing brochures, sales literature, PowerPoint presentations, PR, internal communications and editorial consultancy.
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